Rosa ‘Dee-Lish’ in 3 Gallon Pot


4 in stock

SKU: 3GRT9KK Category:


The Rosa ‘Dee-Lish’® is a highly praised hybrid tea rose known for its strong fragrance of verbena and citrus, alongside its large, deep pink, non-fading blooms. This variety has earned multiple awards in Europe for its disease resistance and aesthetic qualities. It presents a very upright growth habit, reaching heights of 6–6½ feet and a width of about 3 feet, making it a striking addition to any garden. The rose blooms from late spring to late fall, offering continuous waves of large, cupped, old-fashioned double blooms that have 35 to 40 deep pink petals. Ideal for cutting and bringing inside, Dee-Lish® roses are celebrated for their strong disease resistance and ease of care, suiting both seasoned and beginner gardeners. Additionally, it has been recognized with several awards, including the ADR (All Germany Rose Trial), American Garden Rose Selections (AGRS), among others, for its exceptional performance.


Additional information

Bloom Cycle


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Hardiness Zone



